Archive for the Category: Diabetes
Free Diabetes Meters – Are They Worth It?
When you are first diagnosed with diabetes, you may find yourself overwhelmed and scared. There are so many things that must be learned and you want to know everything right at once because diabetes can be deadly. One of the first things you should do is get a meter to test your blood sugar level. […]
Type 2 Diabetes – What Is Hyperlipidemia?
Type 2 diabetes is a disease wrought with numerous medical complications. These complications can range in intensity from low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, to nerve damage, memory loss, dementia, heart disease and strokes. But a common complication has to do with the fat in the bloodstream. It is called hyperlipidemia. Simply put, hyperlipidemia is high […]
Diabetic Coma: What Are The Signs?
If a diabetic coma sounds serious, it is! But, I can reassure you that if you can learn about it, coma symptoms can most assuredly can be handled well on what it is, and what signs to look for. The symptoms can also occur in a person who’s yet to be diagnosed as a person […]
Can Coffee Really Stop Diabetes In Its Tracks?
Most people can’t function without a hot cup of coffee as their morning pick me up. Unfairly, coffee has been tied to unhealthy habits like smoking and sitting in cafe’s discussing politics. Recently scientists have been putting coffee under the metaphorical and literal microscope to see what effect coffee drinking has on health. Surprisingly, they’ve […]
Type 2 Diabetes – How Does Exercise Act Like Insulin?
Insulin is an important component of everyone’s bodies, but for some the importance is far greater than for others. That’s because, due to a combination of their weight, level of exercise, and family history, some people do not process insulin in the right manner. This can lead to other problems, the most common of which […]
How to Delay Type 2 Diabetes?
Before you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you may be considered as a prediabetic. Prediabetes means that you have higher than normal blood sugar although not yet high enough to be considered as Type 2 diabetes. Being prediabetic simply means you have been given a “wake-up” call: you still can avoid diabetes and other […]
Should Type 2 Diabetics Test Their HbA1c at Home?
The hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c test is usually done at the lab, but home-testing kits have now been developed. Measuring your HbA1c at home is a great way for you to take control of your health giving you an earlier warning of problems or hopefully, a quicker confirmation that you are on the right track. […]
How Do I Avoid Diabetes?
There are two separate types of diabetes easily enough known as type 1 and type 2. Approximately 5% of the diabetic population suffers from type 1 diabetes while the remainder, a whopping 95%, suffers from type 2. In type 1 diabetes, generally known as juvenile diabetes, the pancreas simply does not create the insulin your […]
Will Organic Fruit And Vegetables Really Help Ward Off Diabetes Symptoms?
Type 2 diabetes is almost completely preventable and eating more fresh vegetables is often the advice given to diabetics at diagnosis. Although this is the age of organic eating this does not mean the fresh fruit and vegetables in your eating plan need to be organic. It almost looks like the hippies of old have […]
What Is Insulin Resistance In Type II Diabetes?
When you start getting information on Type 2 Diabetes you may often hear the words insulin resistance thrown about. So what specifically does that term imply? Did you know this medical term refers to the decreased capability of some body cells to utilise insulin to convert blood sugar into glycogen. In a normal biological situation, […]