Sildenafil, Viagra canadian pharmacy, is developed by the U.S. pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which is currently the world’s largest pharmaceutical company. Viagra is used for erectile dysfunction but is basically a heart medicine.
Canadian pharmacy Viagra is a medication that helps men with erectile dysfunction to get an erection. Viagra helps to stimulate blood flow to the erectile tissue in the penis so that it stiffens and facilitates intercourse.
If you need Viagra so you can go to a urologist who makes an assessment of your condition and determines if you are in need of Viagra. In some cases a psychologist called up it may be a psychological error. Then the doctor can write a prescription for you so that you can go to the pharmacy and buy your Viagra – that is, if you are prepared to pay an unreasonably high price. If not so much, read on.
It is no secret that when you walk in to an onsite pharmacy store and ask for Viagra (which in itself is rather trying) you best be prepared to hear a prohibitive price as the cash desk clerk rings up your purchase. If you would like to pay less for the drug of the same quality, you might look into the option to buy Viagra canadian online. This can be further split in two: you can get the original Viagra by Pfizer at somewhat steeper price, or you can buy generic Viagra Canada. offers both.
The difference between generics and brand medicines has been long a subject of heated ethical and legal controversy excited by the introduction of generic Viagra in Canada and globally. Market managers with bias in favour of the brand Viagra monopoly officiously claim that theirs is the sole genuine drug.
However, the fierce debates appear to hold no water when we unpack the very term “generic”: “a consumer product having no brand name or registered trademark”. This definition ultimately disabuses reputation of generic Viagra and other meds of post-patent production, since they are in substance the very same drug as is sold for a thoroughly exorbitant price in a trademark package.
At you pay for the quality of the drug inside, not for the package and the name of the manufacturer on it. We suggest that you do not become laid astray by exhortations of prejudiced patent holders and see for yourself that a quality generic Viagra at is a real deal pill that will throw your foundering sex routine a life line.