Archive for the Category: Quit Smoking

How Long Will Your Cravings Last?

How long will my cravings last when I stop smoking? – is a question everyone who is thinking about stopping will usually be asking themselves, because as soon as the cravings start to ease of you start to see light at the end of the tunnel. The answer to this question will vary slightly for […]

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Easy Steps to Quit Smoking?

Ok, so this will be my first post on quitting smoking. I recently (this is my fourth week being smoke-free) quit smoking and I wish I could tell you that there are five easy steps to quitting but in my opinion, how many easy steps there are depends on the person. Let me tell you […]

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Why Is It So Difficult To Quit Nicotine?

Time and time again the question comes up, why is it so hard to quit nicotine? How come most smokers have difficulty stopping smoking? The answer is because nicotine in cigarette smoke is a highly addictive drug. Yes nicotine is a drug. According to the Surgeon General, nicotine satisfies all criteria for it to be […]

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Should You Quit Smoking or Not?

Smoking is an addiction and as any addiction it requires a lot of help and perseverance to get rid of it. The success rate of the stop smoking exercise very much depends on two major factors – (I) what you use as aids to quit smoking, and (II) where from you get help to quit. […]

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Why You Have to Stop Smoking Forever?

If you want to quit smoking and looking for help to stop smoking, I think you are in the right place, this article is going to tell you about the reasons you have to stop smoking for and we will talk about various body changes while you are trying to quit, and finally we will […]

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